Monday, March 3, 2014

Lesson Plan I Part 3: Assessment

            Above is the rubric in which I will be grading student work on this project. Ideally, I would have this rubric printed out for each of my students to physically hand them to each one once they finish the project, however, I will instead be completing them out in PDF format and e-mailing them to my three classmates.
             There are five parts that I am grading: Storytelling, iMovie presentation, Grammar, Narration, and Script. The storytelling part will focus on whether students fully understand the basic format of the story, i will be able to determine this while watching students' final presentations because the story will (1) make sense (2) carry important details and (3) have rising/ falling actions, a climax and themes and go along with the pictures that accompany it. The iMovie presentation must have adequate timing, sound and clear picture. If the picture changes while in the middle of that page's narration, timing has not been adequately adjusted and student shows little understanding of how to use the technology. Proper grammar will be checked only in the final presentation, things such as correct use of tense and acknowledgement of punctuational pauses play into this. Narration will show me that not only does the student understand how to read aloud, but they can alter their voice so that it matches well with the events taking place in the iMovie. Finally, students will send me their scripts and I will be able to see if they used their script while narrating, and to be sure they not only (1) know how to type at least one page (double spaced) but also (2) know how to write a story from a narrator's voice.
             I will grade these presentations by viewing them not only during presentation time, but also in my free time to check for any mistakes. I will do this by having students upload their movies onto an e-mail, as well as their scripts for further evaluation.

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