Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lesson Plan 1 Part 1

I am in the process of building a lesson plan to practice on my fellow students on Monday, March 3rd. The concept is to have students create a storybook movie through iMovie so that they'll produce something along the lines of this:
(minus the mind -numbing first half minute and NPR -esque voiceover)
 Here’s the LP outline:  
Grade Level: 4th grade 
Subject(s): Language Arts
Topic of Study: Creating an iMovie Storybook
Time Allotment: 30 minutes

Standards: 4.W.3, 4.W.4, AZ.4.W.4, 4.W.6, 4.W.8, 4.SL.5, 4.L.1, 4.L.3  
(Specifics linked below)

SWBAT- Write narration based off of the story’s evidence
SWBAT- Write a story with a recognizable beginning, middle, and end
SWBAT- read their story aloud with expression and fluency
SWBAT- avoid grammatical errors and use verb tense correctly
SWBAT- Use iMovie to create a visually pleasing, and understandable iMovie presentation

Assessing Prior Knowledge:
Understanding of basic storytelling format
Understanding of how to use iMovie
Understanding of concept of a storybook movie
I will start by showing a short clip of a storybook movie to the students
Then I will give them the pictures to write captions to through Google docs
Next, I will model the steps to creating an iMovie presentation
In each step, there will be adequate time to ask questions and give individual instruction as students work

The end goal is that everyone completes a movie that is between 1-3 minutes long, that everyone gets a chance to share with the group. The whole lesson in my class must take no longer than 30 minutes long. The truth is that I need to assume 4th graders may already know how to use the technology, so this lesson plan will have to be centered around storytelling and the writing standards, whereas, the lesson for my 20+ year old classmates will know storytelling, but need more instruction on how to use the technology. Therefore my 30 minutes will have to be broken down roughly like this:

-Give students the pictures for the stories, and have them write a story for it -10 minutes
-Guide students to use technology and put their story into iMovie format -15 minutes
-Students share their stories -5+ minutes

         In a real 4th grade classroom, I would make iMovie projects the result of a quarter's worth of Writer's Workshop where students would create a project based on their best writing. There would be time for them to draw pictures and upload them onto iPhoto, and then 30 minutes to rehearse and create the movie. We would then have a viewing of everyone's story at the end of the quarter with popcorn and juice boxes.

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